Thursday, December 6, 2018

Term 4 English Writing

As I enter the forest, I can’t help but be amazed. Pine needles litter the ground forming a new floor and the smell of sap fills the air. The sound of distant gurgling water and birds speaking to one fill the air the forest is a beautiful place. The birds chirp as he walks through the forest asking what he is doing? and when the rain will fall?. The forest is like a dream I feel as if I might wake up from at any moment.

This is where he will make his stand surrounded by the trees which helped him survive. The sound of machines drown out the birds and the smell changes from sap to smoke the ground rumbles as the engines get closer. Then they are upon me the crazed maniacs drive straight for me and I start running. Run, run, run and run that is the only thing in my mind. If they catch me I’m dead if they don’t I’ll be wanted for life.

“Why did I take that statue? I’m such an idiot” I stumble and I fall down the back towards the river and away from the maniacs there is a deafening crack as a bullet whizzes past my head and I’m in the water and swimming as fast as possible. I had escaped.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Data collection

For three periods this day we collected data from all the junior classes. We had 3 main areas to use and 9 different groups and activities. Out group did basketball shots out of five from the free throw line one person out of all the classes got 5/5 shots in. most people got 0- or 1 shots in. the year nines did better the the year tens because of them being new to school and following the rules. We did not much except for standing there and rebounding. In the last period madison came over and helped us sort out the kids and also give support to them. One thing we could of done better was give support and give more tips to help get the shots in.

For the first period we were in the new gym because it was raining. The second period we were out on the court which made it easier for them to get the shots in. Third period we were in the old gym because of the torrential downpour. Dean and Auryn showed leadership skills by helping move the classes around.

Friday, July 6, 2018

End of term 2 review

This term our class went on a walk for two days we learnt about the mining history of the west coast Sophie's dad came along on the trip and he taught us more about the mining history. In maths we learnt about factorising and distance time graphs. the GBL we were taught about the pacific and the big trash problem they're having. The science fair was this term and our group did "what barrel length fires the dart the furthest" only a couple groups did it but it was pretty fun. I learnt nothing new :D

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

well being in sport

If you play a sport your depression levels will be lower then someone who doesn't play a sport. This is because the sport player is around other like minded people who share their ideas. This makes the player feel included and and are an essential player in the team. Because you are participating other people feel the need to also participate. this also people the feeling of being included.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Evaluating Game Platforms

 Image result for unity

I think learning with cognitive games is good because you can learn how to designer thinks and add a fun aspect too learning.

My first exposure to creating a VR product was using co spaces to teach people about the departments of grey high. I put wooden signs up and wrote about what the department does. After that I put a object that represents the department. Co-spaces was easy to use but the camera controls were a bit bad.
Game Star Mechanic
Game Star Mechanics is an interactive and fun way to learn about making games. It has games too teach you the mechanics of he game and lets you edit the game to beat it. You have to edit the level to be able to get to the end the game is played in 2d but t gives the illusion of it being 3d. You can edit you character too be fast  or jump high or you can edit the enemies too make them do no damage.
The third platform we used was gamefroot gamefroot lets you code the objects directly. I think it's a good platform because it is easy too use and gives you more control over the objects in the level  The third platform we used was gamefroot gamefroot lets you code the objects directly. I think it's a good platform because it is easy too use and gives you more control over the objects in the level  
Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies, which is primarily used to develop both three-dimensional and two-dimensional video games and simulations for computers, consoles, and mobile devices.
Image result for unity
Sphero edu

The app was easy too use and took some getting used to. The app uses drag and drop code the drive is the easiest too use because he sphero goes exactly where you want it to go. I like using the sphero app because it is easy to use.
Image result for sphero edu
The bot is easier too use than the sphero because you don't have to aim the ozo. You just make a thick line and than it goes. You make the bot go by drawing a line of black, red, blue or green.
Image result for ozobot